You've just stolen a brand new car, and you're going to celebrate by killing as many pedestrians with it as you can! The cops are hot on your tail, though, so you'll have to be careful not to get stopped by them and have them ruin your fun. Use the arrow keys to accelerate, brake, or turn the car, or use the touchscreen controls if you're playing from a mobile device.

Created for Mini Jame Gam #26

Car sprites from Adelie of

Road and grass tiles from KUBI Games

Wall tiles from Robert Norenburg

Pedestrian sprites from

Police siren sound clip from Pixabay

Car and death sounds from GDevelop

"Raving Energy" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


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the cops are pretty easy to avoid they just kinda go up and down the road

Highscore: 63